NOW FINISHED: 19th SEPTEMBER 2020: ‘Meet The Artist’ – Mark Davies


Saturday 19th September 2020

‘Meet The Artist Event’

Mark Davies 1.00pm – 4.30pm

A mixed media and digital artist from Cambridgeshire in the East of England.

“For my art, there is no brief, there are no restrictions or brand guidelines, it is an opportunity to truly express myself and to stay true. Spending so much time with my head down I probably didn’t acknowledge my influences but on reflection there are definitely links and admiration towards the likes of Giuseppe Arcimboldo and Salvador Dali whilst my earlier paintings were influenced by Piero Della Francesca. My work reflects my thoughts and emotions, those influenced by life experience and those that form my character” – M Davies



From a young age Mark always loved to draw and to paint. Through education he developed this, always striving to create art with meaning, with genuine substance that the audience could appreciate even if not relate to. His preferred medium being the pencil and brush, keeping his distance from the I-Macs that were creeping into the college set up, he didn’t see how a machine could truly translate his style and thinking onto screen.

RSVP: Email-   Tel: 07787 549 455

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